TOS & Privacy Policy

Unless otherwise stated, the terms “”, “Invest286”, “Invest286.Com Team”, and “investxz team” on this website refer to or our affiliated branches.

Our Liability for Published Content

The information on this website is not always complete. Although we have tried our best, the information on the website may be inaccurate, outdated, or not applicable to specific circumstances.

All general information on this website is provided in good faith and from sources believed to be accurate. We are not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information on the website (except for fraudulent misinformation) and any decisions you make based on the information on this website are your own responsibility. or any subsidiary or any affiliated company of is not liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential losses or damages, or any other form of loss or damage arising from access to or use of this website or any information on the website or any subsidiary or affiliated company of does not make any statement or warranty in any form regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information and should not rely on the information understood in this sense. does not guarantee that any data obtained from this website will be virus-free or free of any other errors or defects. It is your responsibility to ensure that you use appropriate virus-scanning software. To the extent that the law that cannot be excluded applies, is not liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential losses or damages, or any other form of loss or damage arising from access to or use of this website or any information on the website.

Due to the continuously updated nature of the financial markets: The content on this website may be deleted or continuously updated. We are committed to providing you with the best information, however, all information may change, so be careful in every decision. We also provide data on the history of revisions/posting dates or content changes for your additional information.

All information posted by and its staff is for reference only and may contain inaccuracies; we always strive to rectify this issue via contact email.

Risks in Trading/Investing

This is a particularly important note, by accessing and using content from this website, you agree to our regulations:

We do not encourage investment in any field. We also do not advise trading any stock code, currency pair, or cryptocurrency, real estate. With its risks, every decision is yours, and you are fully responsible for it.
We do not directly buy/sell or trade any product through this website or any communication/information channels of
You are responsible for using the information found as a reference source; we are not responsible for any investment losses or gains from you.
Forex, Crypto, Real Estate transactions, etc. are not related to us, please check the information of the exchange, the trader, and equip anti-virus software to avoid losing money to hackers (Hackers).
You must comply with the laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam under all conditions, circumstances, and specific regulations on foreign exchange, remittances, finance, banking, real estate, and cryptocurrencies if any.

The copyright of all content of this website and the downloading of content from the website belongs to or our affiliates unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. You must bear responsibility for complying with current copyright laws. During the process of viewing the website’s content, we allow you to print the web pages due to inevitable accidental actions, or you may print a number of web pages for personal use as it is reasonable for personal purposes. Any other use is strictly prohibited. Except for creating a homepage, you are not allowed to frame this website or link to another website without our explicit permission. In the case of translations/quotes from other domestic and foreign documents, we will leave the original link for your reference.

Any unauthorized copying or quoting from is strictly prohibited, and we will take all measures to ensure the legality and copyright of materials from

Security & Personal Information

Our sites contain links to other sites that we do not control. The company owning and operating is not responsible for the privacy policies or their implementation on sites that you link to from We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those other sites so you can understand how they collect, use, and share your information. This Privacy Policy only applies to the information we collect on and does not apply to information we collect by other means. Nonetheless, the majority (99.99%) of the links on this website are secure. However, it is your responsibility to check the links again when you access and use them. We are committed to checking daily for Viruses, Malware, or other software that could be harmful to your computer from this website.

What personally identifiable information is collected from you

The website collects information in several ways from different parts of our site:
Some personal information is gathered when you register to receive information about our travel services. During registration, we ask for your name and email address. Your email and name are completely secure, and we commit not to disclose or share them with any third party without your permission.

In addition to registration information, we may ask you for personal information at other times, including (but not limited to) when you place an advertisement or utilize other features of If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

Each page within contains a path to this Privacy Policy.

What are cookies and how they are used

As part of offering and providing customizable and personalized services, may use cookies to store and sometimes track information about you. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive.

Advertising networks of companies that provide advertising services on may also use their own cookies. (For example, Google Adsense)

The website also aggregates and may aggregate information about your use of, such as areas you visit and services you access. Additionally, may collect information about your computer hardware and software. This information may include, but is not limited to, IP addresses, browser type, domain names, access items, and referring addresses. However, you can be assured that the cookies collected and stored on this website are completely appropriate and do not affect the necessary privacy rights of yours.

How your information is used

By providing your information, you agree that may use your information, whether it’s personal, demographic, collective, or technical, for the purpose of operating and improving, enhancing the user experience, or introducing and distributing our products and services.

We may also use the information collected to inform you about products and services offered by or our partner companies, or to solicit your opinion on current services or new potential products and services.

We may also use your contact information to send you emails or other notifications about updates at The content and frequency of these notifications may vary depending on the information we have about you.

We have an area for you to contact us. Any feedback you send to us will become our property and we may use this feedback for marketing purposes, or contact you for further information.

Who is collecting your information

When asked about personal information on, it means that you are sharing that information with alone, unless otherwise specifically notified. However, some activities, by their nature, will lead to the disclosure of your personal information to other users of

Who your information may be shared with

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties, as well as combined personal and demographic information, or information about your use of (such as the areas you visit, or the services you access), except in the following instances.

We may disclose such information to third-party groups if you consent. We may disclose such information to companies and individuals we employ to perform functions on our behalf. For example, hosting web servers, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit cards or other payment forms, and customer service. These companies and individuals will have access to your personal information as necessary to perform their functions, but they do not share that information with any other third party. We may disclose such information if legally required, or from a government agency, or if we believe that action is necessary to: (a) comply with legal requirements or comply with legal process; (b) protect the rights or property of; (c) prevent crime or protect national security; or (d) protect the personal safety of users or the public. We may disclose and transfer such information to a third party, the entity that acquires all or a significant portion of’s business by linking, merging, or purchasing all or a significant portion of our assets. In addition, in the event becomes the subject of a bankruptcy lawsuit, whether voluntary or involuntary, then or its trustee may sell, license, or disclose such information in another way during the transfer process approved by the bankruptcy court.

Information collected on pages in the area, or on co-branded pages (such as a page about a contest sponsored by and another company) may become the property of that company, or both and that company. In this example, the other company’s use of such information may depend on the privacy policy of that company and, in any event, is not responsible for that company’s use of your personal and demographic information.

Your choices regarding the collection, use, and distribution of personal information

If you choose not to receive information from us, you can still use all features of However, the shopping function, member function will only work when you provide personal information (Email, Phone number & address)

You also have choices related to cookies. By changing your browser preferences, you can choose to accept all cookies, be notified when a cookie is set, or remove all cookies. You can read more about the legal regulations in reading and using the information we post on this website.

Which Law Governs This Website?

In the event that any or part of the terms in the terms and conditions declaration is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable to any extent by the decision of the competent state authority, the term to that extent shall be severed from the remaining terms and the remaining terms shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent as prescribed by law. Team