Guidelines for Use and FAQs

You should definitely look at these instructions for the most effective use of the content. Please click on the title of each section to display detailed information.

Why I Need to Read the User Guide?

The information system on Invest286 is very extensive, therefore you might not be able to exploit many valuable resources available to you without reading the instructions.

Additionally, it also includes many features and utilities different from a typical website. Therefore, you need to read the instructions carefully for the best experience.

What does Invest286 offer?

All of these are collectively referred to as investment support information. They can be divided into 5 main groups:

  1. News
  2. Analysis
  3. Knowledge and trading education materials (Articles, infographics, videos)
  4. Investment reviews & recommendations
  5. Investment tools

It is recommended to use a computer (PC) or tablet for a more complete and scientific experience compared to a phone. High quality and quick updates are the basic standards of information from Invest286.

Using the Invest286 Homepage

The homepage is the address you should visit every day. There, all the information is presented in the following order: Newest => Most important => Most valuable => Most popular => Various investment markets in turn.

The information posted on Invest286.Com is carefully selected and categorized into useful groups. It is much better for your investment plans. To follow the latest posts, simply scroll down the page from top to bottom. For a more efficient experience, use the Tab feature of each category.

For example:

In the analysis category on the homepage, if you are only interested in Bitcoin analysis, click on that tab. The entire analysis section will display a list of the latest Bitcoin analyses for you.

It works similarly on a mobile phone, where you can easily filter content through this function:

The homepage is very user-friendly; it is the fastest way to get updated on all information across the markets, saving you the most time.

Basic Information Filtering

The content on Invest286.Com is extensive, covering all areas. To be more effective in exploiting information, clearly determine the answers to 02 questions: Which market are you interested in & what information in that market?

I’m interested in the stock market & want to view the latest opinions and analyses. Access it from the menu: Analysis => Stocks.

Similarly: I am interested in the news of the Cryptocurrency market, Go to the menu: News => Cryptocurrency.

I’m interested in the stock market and want all the most useful information: Click on the category: Stocks from the menu, you will see all information for the stock market such as: News, analysis, knowledge.

I want to learn about investing in stocks? Very easy: From Menu => Trading Education => Learn Stock Investing.

Information on Invest286.Com is presented in two dimensions. From the stock category, you see all information about stocks, including news. From the news category, you see all market news, including stock news. It’s very easy to access the information you need.

Important Links to Pay Attention To

Through Categories and Tags, Invest286 will systematize the precise information you need. Besides the categories easily tracked in the main Menu, you should follow the featured articles by tags:

  1. Editor’s Choice
  2. Trends
  3. Popular
  4. Breaking News
  5. Analysis Selected by Editors

You can also follow tags on topics of interest to you, such as: Inflation, Bitcoin Halving, or the FLC Arrest, etc.

Using the Tools on Invest286.Com

The tool system on Invest286.Com includes:

  • A live market news page updated 24/7. Updated both automatically and manually by editors, this will help you grasp all the good and bad news related to the market and economy. On this page, you will find more detailed instructions.
  • A quick trend assessment tool. It includes daily trend assessments automated and manually by editors to help you determine the most effective trading trends. Some market trends may only be displayed to paid members. On this page, you will find more detailed instructions.
  • Trading Spotlight: A fixed news page that lists trading opportunities that will occur during the week/day. There you can find opportunities in the most volatile trading pairs.
  • Trading signals: Trading orders (including buy, sell, stop loss, and take profit prices) for reference. Some trading signals may only be displayed to paid members. On this page, you will find more detailed instructions.
  • Investment portfolio structure: Simulated information about the proportion and types of assets recommended by They accurately simulate an investment plan with detailed data on buy and sell points, timing, capital ratio, and performance. Some information may only be displayed to paid members. On this page, you will find more detailed instructions.
  • Heat map, currency strength in Forex: Shows the trends of strong and weak currency pairs to seek trading opportunities.

The principle of content organization on Invest286.Com

The information is prioritized for display in the following order:

  1. Most important and valuable such as analyses and recommendations.
  2. Most recent: For example, market news.
  3. Provides fixed information, knowledge: For example, financial knowledge information such as: What is inflation?

The ranking system on Invest286.Com

Invest286.Com reviews/ranks the following contents:

  1. Trading platforms
  2. Cryptocurrencies
  3. Stock codes

We have strict principles for this ranking. They are publicly published at the ranking principles on the ranking page of each category. All rankings are performed on an independent, objective basis and are not influenced by anything. We are also strict in scoring coins or stocks.

Our rankings are independent and not influenced by data from other parties. We only express our point of view on the issues ranked.

The analyses on Invest286.Com

Not all analyses on Invest286.Com are our own. They include two groups: Analysis by Invest286 Editor or referenced from reputable sources (clearly stating the source like Bloomberg, etc.). These analyses include both market analysis and technical analysis.

Not every analysis in the group represents the viewpoint of We will clearly state the source and author if the analysis is from a third party. Please be aware of this, as exclusive analyses from Invest286 are highly valuable recommendations.

Analyses exclusively by Invest286 will be updated with statuses: Running / No longer valid / Inaccurate / Completed – Successful / Cancelled / Has new updates, so you can keep track of the data.

Trading and Investment Guide

Invest286.Com offers trading education for all markets, presented in a highly scientific manner with particularly high-quality knowledge. It ensures that anyone who completes it will have a solid trading foundation to achieve success. We take pride in the depth and yet ease of understanding of our trading education. It’s accessible to everyone, though absorption requires time and experience.

To access, it’s very simple. For example, from Menu => Learning to Invest => Learning Stock Investment.

Contact Invest286?

Send us an email at the address: to discuss any issue you want.

You can also send messages directly through Messenger chat or on the group discussion of Discord and Telegram for faster responses.